That warm spark of light from a ceiling skylight has its appeal. If you’re considering adding a skylight into your home, or if you are checking the housing market and looking into buying a home with a skylight, here are some pros and cons to consider beforehand.
The Sunny Side
This is what a skylight is for, after all! Having a skylight allows more light into a space, and makes it feel warmer and brighter in appearance as a result. This might be particularly appealing for rooms that have little regular window space, or no outside wall access, to allow for some natural light to enter a space. This is a huge key benefit of skylights—they can brighten up otherwise dark and dull rooms.
This can also be a negative. That extra light is nice, but because hanging curtains or coverings over skylights aren’t really an option, they can sometimes result in too much light, and too much light that you can’t really contain whenever you wish to.
Warm Up
The skylight is going to let in extra heat as well as light into that room’s space, which can be helpful if the room is naturally cooler or you’re trying to make a space feel warmer if you live in a cooler climate. For those living in hotter climates, it can also result in too much heat gain, and cause you some energy efficiency conundrums with your home’s cooling system.
In a similar vein, if you live in cooler