Worried about matching your roof, trees, and siding? We’ve got a lot of experience in this area. Here is a bit of advice when it comes to choosing colors:
Stick With Similar Color in Different Shades
Professionals often talk about a house color being “warm” or “cool.” It’s smart to match warm rooftops (reds and golds) with warm siding colors. If you have a cool roof (gray, black, etc.), then a cool siding color works well too. For example, gray siding and a slate roof, in differing shades, can be a striking combination.
Take a look at our example for a better idea: By switching from a dark roof to a light shingle color, we helped this house transition more smoothly from shingle to siding. It provides a far more welcoming appearance, and avoids any weird clashes. When in doubt, stay in the same color zone but switch shades to keep consistent.
Go Neutral to Emphasize Your Home’s Best Attributes
Take a look at this particular example to see what we mean. The “before” version of the home isn’t bad, but it is very…bright. That yellow tint immediately attracts the eye, and not in a good way. It’s simply too strong, and dark siding or nearby trees make these colors even more obvious. We did a complete exterior remodel and the results were much more pleasant. With a more neutral tan siding, the house is much easier on the eyes and you can appreciate the contours, porch, and trim decisions.
Highlight a Siding Color You Love
There are times when a siding color is perfect for your house – when it highlights all the features you want. If this is the case, it’s best to choose a roof color that helps to bring out that siding color and draw the eye to it more easily.
Blend Into the Landscape
When people talk about using your landscape, it usually means taking a look at the ground, trees, and sky around your house, and use those colors for inspiration. If you don’t know which direction to go, this is always a safe and often impressive choice. If you look closely at the before picture we have, you can see that the owners were experimenting with darker siding colors before the project. They ultimately chose lighter colors that connected to the landscape.
Use Darker Colors for a Richer, Verdant Look
Take a look at this home and notice how the dark shingles and dark siding colors (plus the green trim) create a great visual. Darker colors like these give homes a richer appearance, especially when they are surrounded by trees that can really complement these shades.