Top 7 Signs to Identify Roof Damage after a Storm

Your home’s roof is built to keep you protected from the outside
elements like rain, hail, and wind. However, even the sturdiest, most
well-maintained roofs can succumb to storm damage. Knowing how to spot the
signs of storm damage gives you the chance to make roof repairs quickly and
protect the structural integrity of your home.

Keep reading to learn more about the 7 signs that you have storm
damage that requires roof repair.

Dimpled Shingle

Missing or Damaged Shingles

Many homes in Georgia have asphalt shingled roofs. This roofing
material is popular because it’s budget-friendly, comes in a variety of colors,
and matches many home styles. However, during wind and hailstorms, asphalt
shingles can blow off, crack, or become damaged in other ways. If you have
damaged shingles, contact a roofer for repairs.

Dimpled Shingles

This kind of storm damage happens following a hail storm. It can
be hard to see dimpling from the ground, so roofers recommend calling for a
roof inspection following a hailstorm. Most insurance policies cover storm
damage. The sooner you identify roof damage from hail, the sooner you can get
your repairs.

Wet Attic Insulation

The insulation in your attic should always be dry. If you notice
water stains on your ceiling and find you have wet insulation following a
storm, you might have a damaged roof. First, check to make sure any pipes in
the space haven’t burst or developed leaks. If the pipes are in good shape or
you don’t have piping in your attic, it’s safe to assume you have a leaky roof
that needs your attention.

Ceiling Discoloration

Did the discoloration show up on your ceiling following a storm?
Have a roofer check this out. Maybe there’s a hole in the roof, but the problem
could also be caused by missing flashing around a vent or skylight.

Leaky Gutters

Who knew leaky gutters could be a roofing problem? Well, your
local roofers know that leaky gutters have serious roof structure implications.
If your gutters are leaking, this means they could be overfilled with debris
and starting to pull away from the roof system. Get this fixed ASAP!

Leaky Chimneys

Is water getting into your fireplace? Chimneys let the smoke out,
but they don’t let water in. Your chimney is part of your roofing system. If
water’s getting into the fireplace following a storm, the flashing around the
chimney may be damaged and need to be replaced.

Ceiling Discoloration

High Utility Bills

Most people don’t realize they have a storm-damaged roof until
they start receiving higher than normal energy bills. A recent storm might have
caused damage that you can’t see but has done enough harm to the roof that
you’re experiencing energy loss.

Storm damage doesn’t have to cost a fortune to fix or require a
complete roof replacement. However, it does require your attention. The sooner
you recognize that your roof’s been damaged, get professional repairs so your
roof will protect your home for many years to come. For fast and reliable roof
repairs in the Atlanta area, contact Findlay Roofing at (770) 516-5806.

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    We have been a customer of Findlay roofing before on our previous home. Their quality of work was great. However. if it possible to get better they have met our expectations! I would recommend them to anyone!!!

    - Hank M.

    Very pleased with the results. The roofing team was very professional. They completed the work in one day, replacing both the house and boathouse roofs. Highly recommend.

    - Dennis E.

    I am completely satisfied with the work Findlay Roofing did.

    - Larry G.

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